List Of Countries That Have Plans To Roll Out Their Own Cryptocurrencies
Usman Sheikh
Usman Sheikh
Venezuela was one of the first countries to launch its own cryptocurrency, the Petro, in 2018.
Iran is also planning to launch a digital currency as a way to bypass US sanctions and reduce its dependence on the US dollar.
Russia is developing a national digital currency, known as the CryptoRuble, to be used in financial transactions.
China is working on a digital version of its currency, the yuan, to increase its global reach and enhance its economic power.
Sweden is exploring the possibility of launching an e-krona, with the aim of reducing its dependence on cash transactions.
Singapore is also considering launching a digital currency as a way to encourage financial innovation and reduce the costs associated with traditional payment methods.
Israel is exploring the use of a digital shekel to increase its financial stability and reduce its dependence on the US dollar.
South Korea is investigating the possibility of launching a digital won to increase the speed and efficiency of its financial transactions.
Dubai is launching a digital currency known as emCash to be used as a form of payment for all government services.
Canada is investigating the use of a digital currency to improve its financial security and reduce its dependence on traditional financial systems.
India is exploring the use of a digital rupee to increase its financial security and reduce its dependence on traditional financial systems.