Stile Bertone, one of Italy's oldest car design companies, might be brought back to life with a new supercar, almost a decade after it went bankrupt.

The century-old car company seemed to be over when it filed for bankruptcy in 2014 and put the last of its assets up for sale in 2018.

But the assets also included the right to use the Bertone name, which in 2020 went to Jean-Franck and Mauro Ricci, who are brothers. They are making a new Bertone supercar right now.

Teasers of the proposed supercar show that it will have a clean look and be shaped like a mid-engine car.

 Some parts also look like they were taken from classic Bertone concept cars like the Stratos HF Zero from the 1970s and the Nuccio from 2012.

It's not clear what the power source is, but the Ricci brothers have hinted before that it might have something to do with electricity. 

In 2019, an engineering company they work with, Akka, joined forces with an Italian mobility company to show off two electric supercars made by Bertone. 

Both had a 100-kwh battery and an electric motor on each axle.

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